*Start-Up Registration.
*Seed Fund $650k.
*Started Grossroot Baseball Academies.
*Sports Ledger Technology.
*CPBSC India -96 Clubs registered.
*PLB Schools launch.
*CCI - ABFI Case details.
*MLB India Cup Participation.
*Little League India Participation.
*Agreement with CPBSC India.
*VSJ Baseball Championship.
*Premier League Baseball.
*Club Nationals Tournament.
*ABCA Participation.
*HDBA Partnership.
*Baseball Youth Championship.
*Ginna Baseball Tournament.
*India Baberuth League.
*PLB Nets & PLB Grounds.
*Youth Baseball Team to Canada
& Japan.
*DOS Retail Launch.
*DOS Accord Launch.
*DOS Pavilion Launch.
*DOS Podium Launch.
*DOS Infra - Coming soon.